Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

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It is mutually agreed that the following terms form an integral part of this contract and that no variation or modification shall be effective unless accepted by [the photographer] in writing.
A booking fee of [Negotiable] is required when the client signs this contract. Dates are reserved only when the booking fee is paid. This sum will apply towards the contracted fee. If an event is taken on a sale of photographs only basis there is no booking fee.
The balance of the payment for the services contracted for must be paid not later than 30 days prior to the event. Payment for additional photographs and albums is made when these are ordered. Any bank charges incurred due to returned cheques will be debited to the client. If an event is taken on a sale of photographs only basis there is no fee.
In the event of the Client cancelling a booking for event photography [the photographer] reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee in accordance with the following scale:
(i) If the event is cancelled for any reason with less than 30 days from the event date then a charge of 25% of the booking fee will be applied. If the event is cancelled with less than 15 days from the event date a charge of 50% of the booking fee will be applied. If the event is cancelled with less than 7 days from the event a charge of 100% of the booking fee will be applied.
(ii) This is to be paid within 30 days of Memories Photography being told their services will not be required.
Should the cancelled event turn out to be a postponement, then at the discretion of [Memories Photography], and subject to availability, this fee will be wavered.
Weather permitting the photographs will be taken as agreed. In the event of inclement weather the photographer, in co-operation with the client will make the necessary changes to the schedule and will do his/her best to produce coverage of the event within the time allocated to him/her. Similarly, when delays occur due to circumstances outside his/her control, the photographer will stay on beyond the agreed time but may charge an additional fee for the extra time involved.
The photographer will honour requests for specific photographs subject to the following: weather and time permitting; availability and the co-operation of the person(s) concerned. All such requested photographs must form part of the client’s final event order.
[The photographer] cannot be held responsible for the lack of coverage caused by members of the event party not being ready on time, nor by restrictions placed on the photographer by officials of the venues that the event is held at. The photographer does not guarantee any specific picture nor to include any specific background, location, props or arrangement although every effort will be made to interpret the client s wishes.
The dyes used for clothing, particularly manmade fibres do not always photograph in the manner in which they appear to the eye. When the photographs are printed to produce a pleasing flesh colour such materials may appear incorrect. [The photographer] will endeavour to achieve the closest possible colour match within the limitations of the materials and processes used. All quoted sizes are nominal and may be subject to a slight margin of error. [The photographer] accepts no liability for such minor variations in size.
The copyright in all photographs created by [the photographer] shall be remain the property of [the photographer] in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The Clients shall have no right to reproduce, nor to authorise the reproduction of, by any means whatsoever, any photographs created by [the photographer]. This includes photocopying, scanning into a computer, photographing with a film or electronic camera, including a video camera, and producing either a hard copy on paper, film, or similar medium, and also recording an electronic image on a computer hard disk, or any tape, disk or other recording medium. Nor is it permitted to transmit or allow to be transmitted such images by cable, radio waves or the internet. The Client hereby acknowledges that infringement of [the photographer s] copyright is unlawful and may be a criminal offence.
I permit / I do not permit (delete one) the photographer referred to above, and his licensees or assignees, to use the photograph/s referred to above and/or drawings there from and any other reproductions or adaptations thereof, either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with any wording and/or drawings, solely and exclusively for: Editorial, Experimental, PR, Press advertising, Display material, Competition entry.
I understand that such copyright material shall be deemed to represent an imaginary person.
I understand that I do not own copyright of the photograph/s referred to above.
All images created by [the photographer] shall remain the property of [the photographer] who undertakes to store all such images safely and make them available for future reproduction for a period of 3 years. Photographic prints will become and remain the property of the Client(s). However the Client(s) specifically acknowledge that ownership of prints does not imply ownership of the copyright in the images on them, or any right to reproduce, or authorise the reproduction of, such images.
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